Ruby Mountain


TRAIL 7: The Mind, Emotions and Brains

Next to space, the final frontier – these realms within our own selves. 

In this Trail we find out new clear, potent  ways of understanding the brain, the mentality and our emotions.  This perhaps is the most important of all the Trails! Should it have been the first Trail?!

 Without the ideas of the journey this far, this Trail would lose its potency and effectiveness. 

Trail 7 Content:

  • Odin and Perspectives
  • 12 tendencies of the Brain
  • You are not your brain
  • How the mentality works
  • The 3 levels of feeling
  • Directing synapses
  • Exercises for the mind 
  • The way a-head ….and much more

All Trails have 14 – 20 lessons with complete video and PDF material.